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Talkwalker Consumer Intelligence Acceleration Platform

We accelerate your brand's journey to actionable consumer intelligence

Talkwalker named a leader in consumer intelligence in New Forrester Wave
The Forrester New Wave™
Talkwalker named a Leader amongst consumer intelligence platforms.

Supercharge your business strategies with Blue Silk™ AI.

At Talkwalker, we believe in the power of connections. Our proprietary Blue Silk™ AI makes it easier and faster to find data-driven insights. Turning external and internal data sets, from consumers and customers alike, into deliver valuable strategic insights for your brand.

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Our proprietary Blue Silk™ technology is the backbone of our platform, and threads together external and internal data, from consumers and customers alike, to deliver the most valuable strategic insights for your brand.

Supercharge your business strategies with Blue Silk™ AI.

At Talkwalker, we believe in the power of connections. Our proprietary Blue Silk™ AI makes it easier and faster to find data-driven insights. Turning external and internal data sets, from consumers and customers alike, into deliver valuable strategic insights for your brand.

Take billions of signals and easily extract insights in one platform.

Make your team smarter.

From Conversation Clusters to Smart Themes, Talkwalker’s customer intelligence platform takes billions of daily signals and visualizes them in a simple user interface to allow any team member to quickly understand customer behaviors and adapt accordingly.

Take advantage of our award-winning AI Engine.

Save time with our Blue Silk™ AI-powered insights and automation engine that can ingest and sort custom categories into billions of consumer or customer data points (text, images, videos, audio) across 187 languages.

Benefit from analysis of thousands of customer interactions including buying lifecycle, issue categories, products or services, customer profiles, and more. Take back control of your data with the option to create your own custom training sets.

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Talkwalker AI Engine

Take advantage of our award-winning AI Engine.

Save time with our Blue Silk™ AI-powered insights and automation engine that can ingest and sort custom categories into billions of consumer or customer data points (text, images, videos, audio) across 187 languages.

Benefit from analysis of thousands of customer interactions including buying lifecycle, issue categories, products or services, customer profiles, and more. Take back control of your data with the option to create your own custom training sets.

Easily integrate external and internal customer data sources, such as ratings & reviews, email, surveys and contact center channels

Unleash the potential of consumer and customer data.

Easily integrate external and internal customer data sources, such as social media, ratings & reviews, customer experience emails, surveys, and contact center channels directly into our platform.

More than just a tech platform.

You’re not alone. Get started immediately, with our global Talkwalker Activate consultants, on hand to accelerate your consumer intelligence capabilities. From onboarding to continued strategic and user support and training, our team will help increase your ROI from the platform.

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Get started immediately, with our global Talkwalker Activate consultants

More than just a tech platform.

You’re not alone. Get started immediately, with our global Talkwalker Activate consultants, on hand to accelerate your consumer intelligence capabilities. From onboarding to continued strategic and user support and training, our team will help increase your ROI from the platform.

Get started on your consumer intelligence journey

Talkwalker Market Intelligence


Fast-track innovation.

Take advantage of the real-time market intelligence by tuning into the world’s largest focus group. Be the first to pinpoint emerging industry trends and insights to accelerate strategies and process, and maximize business impact

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Talkwalker Customer Intelligence


Be customer intelligent.

Analyze all sources of customer intelligence in one place, at scale, in real time. Quickly uncover critical customer feedback and capture unseen business opportunities using our proprietary AI Engine, machine learning, and NLP tools.

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Social Intelligence


Get deep social listening at scale.

Get access to the fastest growing global dataset which covers over 187 languages. Monitor every existing customer behavior signals across text, video, image, audio. Never miss a critical conversation about your brand.

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