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Social Content Ratings®

The social engagement & video performance measurement solution trusted by the world's biggest media & sports brands

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Social Content Ratings<span style="font-size:30px" ><sup>®</sup></span>

Actionable social TV & sports insights - made easy.

Rank, Benchmark & Report

Measure and dynamically compare cross-platform social metrics across the marketplace. Access the KPIs that matter: content, engagement, interactions, and video view counts.

Measure with Confidence

We do the measurement for you, with a standardized approach and a comprehensive universe. SCR's easy-to-navigate platform allows you to assess performance, gain insights and make strategic decisions.

Optimize Performance

Identify key engagement & viewing drivers to fuel your social strategies and determine best practices.

Prove Sponsor Value

Measure and benchmark the performance of Facebook Branded Content campaigns and map connections between fans and brands for stronger sponsorship integrations.

Social Content Ratings®

The leading social solution for networks, streaming providers, content producers, advertisers and agencies looking to understand the impact of their social media strategies, talent and the buzz generated by fans talking about their programs.

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Social Content Ratings®

The leading social solution for networks, streaming providers, content producers, advertisers and agencies looking to understand the impact of their social media strategies, talent and the buzz generated by fans talking about their programs.

Social Content Ratings® Sports

The single solution to measure the social engagement, video view and branded content performance of leagues, teams, athletes and their sponsors.

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Talkwalker Social Content Ratings Sports

Social Content Ratings® Sports

The single solution to measure the social engagement, video view and branded content performance of leagues, teams, athletes and their sponsors.

Reliable data for the most accurate measurement

Social Content Ratings® is an official product within the Facebook Measurement Partners Program and a Twitter Enterprise Data Partner.

Reliable data for the most accurate measurement

Social Content Ratings® is an official product within the Facebook Measurement Partners Program and a Twitter Enterprise Data Partner.

Talkwalker acquires Nielsen Social Content Ratings®

In July 2020, Talkwalker acquired Social Content Ratings®. Our mission is to combine our offerings to create the most powerful, unified Conversational Intelligence platform in the global marketplace.

Talkwalker acquires Nielsen Social Content Ratings<span style="font-size:25px" ><sup>®</sup></span>

Talkwalker acquires Nielsen Social Content Ratings®

In July 2020, Talkwalker acquired Social Content Ratings®. Our mission is to combine our offerings to create the most powerful, unified Conversational Intelligence platform in the global marketplace.

SCR Insights


Views on views: How audiences engage with social TV video content across platforms

As fans spend more and more time on social media, content producers & TV networks are increasing the use of social platforms to promote and ...

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Best of Social TV 2020

Each year, SCR ranks the top primetime TV shows, top sports programs, top live specials, and more, according to social media engagement. Check out who ...

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Quarantined Consumers are Staying Connected with TV and Social Media

For years, consumers have turned to TV during times of crisis—to stay apprised of information or simply to lean into the power of ...

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