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Join the Talkwalker Partner Ecosystem and accelerate your growth

The Talkwalker Partner Ecosystem helps our partners succeed in today's ever-changing business reality.

Partnering with best-in-class technology, data, and strategic industry leaders amplifies your offering and increases the value you deliver to your customers.

See what Talkwalker partners are saying…

Khoros CEO

We’re proud to partner with Talkwalker to unify our best-in-class social media management and intelligence solutions, empowering brands to get closer to their consumers and deliver the best CX on the market.

Brands can no longer afford to wait to get the right information in front of the right customer at the right time. They need deep, real-time insights and the ability to quickly connect with customers at scale, at every point of their journey. 

Chris Tranquill

CEO at Khoros

hootsuite vp global partnerships

Our partnership with Talkwalker has given us access to actionable customer insights, data, sentiment, and other important trends in real time, extending core capabilities of the Hootsuite platform for our customers.

We're thrilled to have a trusted partner that shares our passion for innovation and guiding customers through the wild landscape of social media - it has been critical to our success and shines as the strength of our partnership.

Brad Wochomurka

VP Global Partnerships, Hootsuite

Head of twitter developer platform

Talkwalker has a long history of helping brands create actionable intelligence from the millions of public conversations that happen on Twitter every day.

We are excited to recognize Talkwalker’s outstanding performance by including them in our highly selective Official Partner Program. Talkwalker continues to earn their inclusion through a unique ability to provide innovative technology with exceptional customer service.

Greg Maxson

Head of Twitter Developer Platform Partnerships

The Talkwalker Partner Ecosystem

Talkwalker partners elevate the value of Talkwalker's platform by maximizing our data coverage, tech stack integration, and service delivery.

Technology partners

Technology partners

Our Technology partners augment the Talkwalker platform and provide our customers with additional use cases through powerful workflows and other integrations. Technology Partners are software vendors targeting broader communication, marketing, or consumer experience departments.

Data partners

Data partners

Our Data partners provide Talkwalker customers with one-click access to more than 20 social networks and other valuable sources supporting your use cases. Data Partners range from leading social networks such as Twitter and Meta, to various other data sources such as Quora and LexisNexis.

Solution partners

Solution partners

Our Solution partners range from GSI (Global System Integrators) to agencies. Solution partners elevate the Talkwalker offering with value-added services, insights, and implementation. As a team, we empower companies to grow brand awareness and provide unique customer experiences.

Meet Talkwalker’s partners

The Talkwalker Partner Ecosystem is a group of trusted organizations, experts in their field, that share our vision of giving brands a single view of consumers. Providing real-time insights that'll enable targeted messaging and products that meet demand.

Khoros is a leading customer engagement platform, connecting social media management, online brand communities and an unmatched customer experience. The Talkwalker and Khoros partnership provides consumer-centric enterprises with a seamless cross-platform experience that delivers best-in-class consumer intelligence and engagement. A combined expertise that helps brands increase the value derived across all the moments that matter most. Closing the gap between brands and consumers.

Brands that enjoy our partnerships,

with high-value insights from social, online, and conversational data


Not only are online conversations critical to make short-term decisions by reacting to an ever changing world of temporary lockdowns and changing societal rules, but it’s become a fundamental base to plan business for the mid-term and to predict long-term effects of the pandemic on future consumer behavior.

Tiankai Feng

Global Director,

Voice of Consumer analytics

adidas works with Talkwalker to implement voice of the consumer analysis to turn its decision-making into even more of a data-driven discipline

Regional Chief of Communications

The fight against the infodemic is likely to continue well into the future. We at UNICEF MENARO will continue listening to our audience and communicate the importance of only trusting credible sources.

Juliette Touma

Regional Chief of Communications


Social Media Manager

Talkwalker has allowed us to unlock access to a much larger conversation around our brand than ever before.

Jordan Schultz

Social Media Manager


Digital Branding & Social Media Project Manager,

L’Occitane en Provence benefits from year-round visibility in terms of influence. It also allows us to reuse the content of the influencers for our social networks.

Lucille Garrivet

Digital Branding & Social Media Project Manager,

l'Occitane En Provence

VP Social Intelligence Team

Where we find the most value with social media channels and websites, is extracting data from the voice of the customer.

Troy Janisch

VP Social Intelligence Team

US Bank

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We regularly schedule webinars with global brands and marketing & PR leaders sharing their expertise. Take a look at our archive of recordings.

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  • Build a stronger brand 
  • Get deeper market understanding 
  • Create and optimize impactful campaigns 
  • Unlock smarter innovation 
  • Design enhanced customer experiences

Trusted by over 2500 of the world's most impactful brands
