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Market Intelligence

Use-case driven intelligence trusted by the world's most loved brands.

Trusted by 2500+ of the world's most impactful brands

Don’t guess. Track changes in consumer behavior.

  • Pinpoint emerging consumer trends with curated market-leading industry datasets based on 5 years of historical data.
  • Identify the changing ways in which your consumers engage with your products and those of your competitors.
  • Give your teams the ability to drive instant business impact through easy-to-use dashboards.
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Marketer pinpoint a changing consumer behavior

Don’t guess. Track changes in consumer behavior.

  • Pinpoint emerging consumer trends with curated market-leading industry datasets based on 5 years of historical data.
  • Identify the changing ways in which your consumers engage with your products and those of your competitors.
  • Give your teams the ability to drive instant business impact through easy-to-use dashboards.
Beat your competition with the latest trend research

Fast-track innovation.

  • Minimize the time and cost it takes to validate innovation strategies by bringing consumer insights earlier into your development process.
  • Beat the competition by jumping on emerging consumer trends and insights across the globe with our proprietary AI machine learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology.

Get up and running in a day.

  • We build and maintain our Market Intelligence data sets so you can easily access insights and translate them into actionable intelligence.
  • Quickly benchmark, measure, and compare KPIs that matter most using our proprietary Social Content Ratings ® datasets.
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Talkwalker AI Engine

Get up and running in a day.

  • We build and maintain our Market Intelligence data sets so you can easily access insights and translate them into actionable intelligence.
  • Quickly benchmark, measure, and compare KPIs that matter most using our proprietary Social Content Ratings ® datasets.

Bespoke AI-powered platform apps.

Our Market Intelligence solution consists of an ever-expanding array of AI-powered platform applications, focused on answering real-world customer use cases.

Market Intelligence


Trends detection & analysis

Real-time trends and insights across an expanding range of industry curated datasets.

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Talkwalker Market Intelligence


Social Content Ratings ®

Industry-leading social engagement and performance measurement. Trusted by the world's biggest media and sports brands.

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Discover our other products.

Talkwalker Customer Intelligence


Be customer intelligent.

Analyze all sources of customer intelligence in one place, at scale, in real time. Quickly uncover critical customer feedback and capture unseen business opportunities using our proprietary AI Engine, machine learning, and NLP tools.

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Social Intelligence


Get deep social listening at scale.

Get access to the fastest growing global dataset which covers over 187 languages. Monitor every existing customer behavior signals across text, video, image, audio. Never miss a critical conversation about your brand.

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