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Boost your

customer experience

Turn every consumer interaction into a memorable experience - for the right reasons. Optimize your customer journey across all touchpoints to encourage repeat buyers.

Talkwalker named a leader in consumer intelligence in New Forrester Wave
The Forrester New Wave™
Talkwalker named a Leader amongst consumer intelligence platforms.

Discover your customer complaints online, not in the headlines.

Get instant customer feedback from across the internet, enabling you to understand and resolve customer issues before they bubble into a crisis. Optimize your experience with a constant loop of consumer insights, to drive better results across all departments.

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Two customer experience specialists arguing about a spike of negative customer reviews

Discover your customer complaints online, not in the headlines.

Get instant customer feedback from across the internet, enabling you to understand and resolve customer issues before they bubble into a crisis. Optimize your experience with a constant loop of consumer insights, to drive better results across all departments.

Two satisfied customers submitting their feedback following a positive experience with a brand.

Complete your single customer view.

Combine deep social listening with reviews, surveys, and owned data, to get a 360° view of your customer. Use AI-enabled insights to understand their expectations and perceptions, to identify where your brand is missing the mark.

Personalize every step of the customer journey.

Improve your CX strategy with detailed customer journey insights. Monitor buying signals, and react to objections before they cause a bottleneck. Connect closer with your customers than ever before, with personalized and relevant content touchpoints.

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Customer in a shop, mentally comparing her online and in-store experience

Personalize every step of the customer journey.

Improve your CX strategy with detailed customer journey insights. Monitor buying signals, and react to objections before they cause a bottleneck. Connect closer with your customers than ever before, with personalized and relevant content touchpoints.

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