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Life at Talkwalker

The Consumer Intelligence Acceleration Platform

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Life at Talkwalker

The Consumer Intelligence Acceleration Platform

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Meeting taking place in Talkwalker's New York City office - people sitting in couches and on bean bags, looking at a screen

Who we are

Talkwalker is the #1 Consumer Intelligence Acceleration platform for brands to drive business impact. Over 2,500 global brands and agencies use our products to combine a multitude of internal and external data sources for the most expansive view of consumer. The fact that we were recognized as a leader in social listening and consumer intelligence by Forrester validates all that we strive for - happy customers, a powerful platform, leading AI technology, and exceptional data quality and coverage.

Globe visual showing offices in Luxembourg, New York, San Francisco, Frankfurt, Singapore, Paris, and Tokyo

Talkwalker around the world

The company is extremely international with our headquarters based in the city center of Luxembourg, and additional offices in the United States, Germany, Singapore, France, Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, India and Italy. Our team comes from over 50 different countries around the world!

Life @ Talkwalker

Our Business Principles: our mission & vision

What Talkwalker stands for