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Free Social Media Monitoring Tools

Convert real-time customer conversation into your next marketing campaign

Try it now!

Free Social Media Monitoring Tools

Convert real-time customer conversation into your next marketing campaign

Try it now!

Talkwalker Alerts is the only free alerts system that follows your digital footprint across the internet and Twitter!

Talkwalker’s Free social search monitors every conversation about your brand, hashtags and competition on social media

We can’t give you a formula for kickass marketing campaigns, but our free social listening tools aka social media tracker(s) CAN help you every step of the way and make social media monitoring easy

Get in on every single conversation about your brand with just one click

Tired of tearing your hair, manually monitoring social media platforms and following every conversation around your hashtags? Let us do the frustrating bits and collate all your brand mentions so you can concentrate on the fun stuff.

  • With our free marketing toolkit, we trace your social footprint online.
  • Provide insights on the posts that drive the most social engagement. 
  • And tell you what social channels work best through brand monitoring

Identify your next big hashtag BEFORE it starts trending

Take the load off your content team. Discover and monitor social media trending topics before they go viral.

  • Use free tools to target your audience better with content they really want to read.
  • Find out what makes your audience tick and turn it into your next cash cow.
  • Promote your products or services through social media marketing.

Identify your next big hashtag BEFORE it starts trending

Take the load off your content team. Discover and monitor social media trending topics before they go viral.

  • Use free tools to target your audience better with content they really want to read.
  • Find out what makes your audience tick and turn it into your next cash cow.
  • Promote your products or services through social media marketing.

Turbo-charge your SEO by finding backlink opportunities you didn’t even know about ... for FREE!

Find a never-ending list of backlink opportunities and have them delivered right to your inbox!

  • Boost your SEO by knowing who is talking about you and when to reach out to them.
  • Identify emerging influencers with a social media tracker that actually gets the job done and capitalize on their growing fanbase.
  • Monitor and keep track of how your keywords evolve on the internet and shape your content accordingly.

Get ahead of the competition by keeping a close eye on them with our free social media tracker

Ever wanted to know exactly what the competition has been getting up to?  Just monitor their social mentions.

  • Know everything about your competition across the internet – the good, bad and the ugly
  • Manage and monitor your brand reputation by taking timely action – before your competition can

Get ahead of the competition by keeping a close eye on them with our free social media tracker

Ever wanted to know exactly what the competition has been getting up to?  Just monitor their social mentions.

  • Know everything about your competition across the internet – the good, bad and the ugly
  • Manage and monitor your brand reputation by taking timely action – before your competition can

Trusted by 2500+ of the world's most impactful brands

 These are the best social listening tools for free. Don't take our word for it - check out what they have to say!