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Do you know that we are indexing all major social networks in 187 languages

Customer Intelligence-Get closer to your customer

Listen to critical customer feedback,questions, conversations across a range of touchpoints for a 360 degree view.

Trusted by 2500+ of the world's most impactful brands

Talkwalker named a leader in consumer intelligence in New Forrester Wave
The Forrester New Wave™
Talkwalker named a Leader amongst consumer intelligence platforms.

Capture unseen opportunities through customer-centricity.

  • Easily analyze customer data from the sources that matter to you, combined in one place to identify friction, feeling, and risk, and optimize your processes.
  • Quickly uncover essential customer themes using our proprietary machine learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology.
  • Turn feedback of your brand or product into rapid marketing, product, and ecommerce innovation.
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two people looking at a smartphone

Capture unseen opportunities through customer-centricity.

  • Easily analyze customer data from the sources that matter to you, combined in one place to identify friction, feeling, and risk, and optimize your processes.
  • Quickly uncover essential customer themes using our proprietary machine learning and NLP (Natural Language Processing) technology.
  • Turn feedback of your brand or product into rapid marketing, product, and ecommerce innovation.
Two people discussing how to best take into account customer preferences

Know what your customers think, say, and do.

  • Drive faster & more confident enterprise-wide decision making by integrating a rich source of VoC insights from all stages of the customer journey into your innovation process.
  • Democratize data and establish a single source of truth by combining critical enterprise-wide customer conversations into one unified 360-degree view.

Minimize the time from insight to impact.

  • Leverage custom dashboards to ensure that each team gets the right insights at the right time.
  • Break data silos with a single platform for all your business centers.
  • Ask better questions & get faster answers to drive business impact.
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Talkwalker AI Engine

Minimize the time from insight to impact.

  • Leverage custom dashboards to ensure that each team gets the right insights at the right time.
  • Break data silos with a single platform for all your business centers.
  • Ask better questions & get faster answers to drive business impact.

Take the next step in your consumer intelligence journey.

Talkwalker Market Intelligence


Fast-track innovation.

Take advantage of the real-time market intelligence by tuning into the world’s largest focus group. Be the first to pinpoint emerging industry trends and insights to accelerate strategies and process, and maximize business impact

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Social Intelligence


Get deep social listening at scale.

Get access to the fastest growing global dataset which covers over 187 languages. Monitor every existing customer behavior signals across text, video, image, audio. Never miss a critical conversation about your brand.

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