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Competitive intelligence

for smarter, faster decisions

Understand competitor motivations and behavior to find actionable insights to support data-driven, strategic planning for product development, pricing, brand positioning, and more.

Talkwalker named a leader in consumer intelligence in New Forrester Wave
The Forrester New Wave™
Talkwalker named a Leader amongst consumer intelligence platforms.

Take control of the competitive landscape

Discover risks and opportunities before they become widely known, with a real-time competitive intelligence program. 

Analyze market intelligence to identify your competitors and see where they stand with regard to you and other players.

Understand product offerings, pricing, marketing strategies, competitor website traffic, positioning, and find new target audiences. Take the competitive advantage and stay ahead of industry trends.

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Man standing on the side of a mountain, looking at  the horizon of the competitor landscape, to understand competitive intelligence.

Take control of the competitive landscape

Discover risks and opportunities before they become widely known, with a real-time competitive intelligence program. 

Analyze market intelligence to identify your competitors and see where they stand with regard to you and other players.

Understand product offerings, pricing, marketing strategies, competitor website traffic, positioning, and find new target audiences. Take the competitive advantage and stay ahead of industry trends.

Overhead view of a table where two men (your competitors) are sitting, talking about their strategy, for competitive intelligence program.

Develop the products consumers want but can't find

Use competitive intelligence to collect and analyze actionable information about competitors, your marketplace, and consumers to enable innovative product development. 

Research multiple sources - social media, reviews, customer feedback, online conversations - to dominate your industry with products and services consumers will love.

Quantitative competitive analysis benchmarking

Understand best market practices to maintain the competitive edge over your competitors and lead in your industry. 

Regular performance research and analysis of your competitors and industry leaders will identify data-driven insights. These will enable you to make objective, informed decisions to drive company growth and increase revenue across your business.

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Three people sitting at a table with notes and a computer, in the middle of a product launch strategy meeting, as part of their competitive intelligence strategy.

Quantitative competitive analysis benchmarking

Understand best market practices to maintain the competitive edge over your competitors and lead in your industry. 

Regular performance research and analysis of your competitors and industry leaders will identify data-driven insights. These will enable you to make objective, informed decisions to drive company growth and increase revenue across your business.

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