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The Forrester New Wave™ Report

on 20/07/2021

The Forrester New Wave™ Report provides intelligent and proven recommendations for enterprises looking for the ideal consumer intelligence solution. Saving months of research, and helping them make fully-informed decisions.

Talkwalker was named a Leader among the top 9 consumer intelligence platforms in The Forrester New Wave™: AI-Enabled Consumer Intelligence Platforms, Q3 2021.

Forrester New Wave visual

Talkwalker received differentiated scores in five out of ten criteria:

  • Data onboarding
  • Search and insights
  • Analytics and reporting
  • Data regulation
  • Product vision

Most importantly, Talkwalker was the only platform that did not receive ‘needs improvement’ scores in any criterion. We believe brands can trust Talkwalker’s best in class platform to be ready for their needs now, and in the future.

“Talkwalker’s search balances capabilities for varied user needs with both quick and Boolean search. Analytics and reporting capabilities include a recommendation engine for prescriptive insights, robust capabilities for sharing dashboards to both users and nonusers, and alerts about unexpected consumer behavior changes.”

The Forrester New Wave™: AI-Enabled Consumer Intelligence Platforms, Q3 2021, authored by Cinny Little.

Download the report to read more about the top consumer intelligence platforms to meet your enterprise needs.

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