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Do you know that we are indexing all major social networks in 187 languages

Monitor campaigns, brand mentions, and hashtags with free social media search tool


Use social media search to access real-time conversations in 187 languages across all major social networks

Monitor all social mentions with social media search. Never miss what customers say about you.

Fine-tune your social media search based on your location, language, media type, sentiment, and more.

Identify the right influencers for your campaigns. Dive deep into their engagement/reach statistics across social media platforms.

Discover trending topics and jump into these conversations to go viral and increase your reach.

Globe with Talkwalker social media search graphs overlaid.

Track your competitors and get ahead of them

Understand how your competitors are using their social media channels. Discover their strengths and weaknesses. Measure your social media accounts against 4 competitors simultaneously. Compare their mentions, engagement rate, sentiment, and reach in a single social media search dashboard.

Start tracking competitors!

Boost your marketing campaigns by jumping onto the next big trend with our free social media search engine

Use your social data to drive product innovation

Free Social Search can provide information about what your customer needs, without spending huge amounts of money on market research. Understand customer's reactions to your products, your competitor’s products, or the entire product category with our social media search tool.

Start now!

Graph showing social media search identifying customer's reactions to products, competitor’s products, or entire product category.

Use your social data to drive product innovation

Free Social Search can provide information about what your customer needs, without spending huge amounts of money on market research. Understand customer's reactions to your products, your competitor’s products, or the entire product category with our social media search tool.

Start now!

Talkwalker social media search graph showing consumer sentiment.

Measure brand health & consumer sentiment

Use our AI-enabled sentiment analysis to understand how your audience really feels. Look at the sentiment around your brand mentions and how it fares against your competitors. You can also use social media search to measure brand awareness by looking at the total volume of your mentions.

Check brand health!


Free and easy social media monitoring

Find social media mentions across social networks including Twitter & YouTube, news, forums and podcasts. Just type your query into the search bar and find your search results in seconds. Filters and Booleans can help with advanced search, but really this social searcher can be set up and used in seconds.

free social search - know your audience widget, showing footbal trends over time

Free and easy social media monitoring

Find social media mentions across social networks including Twitter & YouTube, news, forums and podcasts. Just type your query into the search bar and find your search results in seconds. Filters and Booleans can help with advanced search, but really this social searcher can be set up and used in seconds.