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[Webinar] Video recognition: a game changer for marketers

What is video recognition? How will it change your perception of your brand in a world where video will soon represent over 80% of online content?

What is video recognition? How will it change your perception of your brand? Join Cara Buscaglia (VP of Solutions at Talkwalker) and Albane Flamant (US Marketing Manager at Talkwalker) on March 28th for an interactive webinar to discuss this new technology.

During this 45-minute webinar, Cara Buscaglia (VP of Solutions at Talkwalker) and Albane Flamant (US Marketing Manager at Talkwalker) demonstrate this new technology and discuss its benefits for social listening.

Use cases: 

  • Detect user-generated content (UGC)
  • Analyze brand experience
  • Identify harmful or fraudulent content
  • Accurately measure sponsorship ROI