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Video Tutorial: A Beginner's Guide to Boolean Operators

Video Tutorial: A Beginner's Guide to Boolean Operators

What are Boolean operators, and how do they relate to social media analytics? Put simply, they are keywords such as OR, AND or NEAR/x that allow you to broaden or restrict the range of your search queries. This logic system, invented by mathematician Georges Boole, has become the backbone of several search engines, and Talkwalker's search queries are no exception.

Why should you care? By refining your search terms effectively, you can make sure you not only receive a full range of results, but also isolate those that are most relevant for your needs. With just a basic understanding of the most common operators, you will possess the key to unearthing new social data insights from the Talkwalker platform.

Talkwalker Boolean Operators tutorial

In this first video episode of the Talkwalker Education Series, you’ll meet Helene, our Head of Account Management, who will take you through the basics of Boolean logic to help you find more relevant insights from social data using smart search queries. In less than four minutes, you will learn how to:

- Boost your influencer marketing by identifying key opinion leaders using unique queries such as the Twitter follower search;

- Improve your brand and product management by tracking social media discussions about your products across borders with national and regional filters;

- Avoid simple mistakes that can return troublesome, incorrect or irrelevant results.

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