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The light-bulb moment for your data

Conversation Clusters let you uncover, understand and visualize the context around any topic at a glance.

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The light-bulb moment for your data

Conversation Clusters let you uncover, understand and visualize the context around any topic at a glance.

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Trend Research
See what’s hidden - quickly

Conversation Clusters map any topic visually, showing you the trends and connections behind millions of social, media and consumer data points in real time. Semantically linked clusters help you detect emerging themes and trending conversations, follow shifts in public opinion and gain a full understanding of the situation in minutes.

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Trend Research
See what’s hidden - quickly

Conversation Clusters map any topic visually, showing you the trends and connections behind millions of social, media and consumer data points in real time. Semantically linked clusters help you detect emerging themes and trending conversations, follow shifts in public opinion and gain a full understanding of the situation in minutes.

Discover the insights you need with Conversation Clusters

Consumer Insights
Find white space opportunities

Build a custom analysis on what consumers think, purchase or say in minutes, plot competitive landscapes and identify market gaps at a glance. Power your market research with a database of billions of social, traditional and digital consumer conversations. Enrich your insights by identifying links and proximity between topics and audiences, all without the effort of traditional manual research.

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Consumer Insights <br> Find white space opportunities

Consumer Insights
Find white space opportunities

Build a custom analysis on what consumers think, purchase or say in minutes, plot competitive landscapes and identify market gaps at a glance. Power your market research with a database of billions of social, traditional and digital consumer conversations. Enrich your insights by identifying links and proximity between topics and audiences, all without the effort of traditional manual research.

Power your conversational analysis with the latest machine learning research

Content Creation
Surface powerful content ideas

Understand the most engaging story angles of a discussion to pick your next content opportunity. Discover debate drivers, how subtopics relate to each other and why conversations are moving in a certain direction. Dig deeper to see hidden connections and identify content ideas that you will be able to profit from.

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Content Creation
Surface powerful content ideas

Understand the most engaging story angles of a discussion to pick your next content opportunity. Discover debate drivers, how subtopics relate to each other and why conversations are moving in a certain direction. Dig deeper to see hidden connections and identify content ideas that you will be able to profit from.

Get the light-bulb moment for your data
