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Consumer intelligence dashboard template

on 15/03/2021

To understand consumers, the most innovative brands use a unified platform to activate the voice of the customer. Analysis of multiple data sources on a single platform means brands can go beyond social to find consumer insights and understand conversations at scale.

Our consumer intelligence dashboard is an example of what your organization needs. It enables all your teams to filter data and pull previously hidden insights, with speech analytics, image and video recognition, conversation analysis, and more.

Find key metrics about your industry, brand, or topic, to anticipate customer needs in real time. Ensuring you can meet new demands.

  • Identify what's top of mind - themes, brands, emotions, celebrities, hashtags, etc.
  • Consumer sentiment around your industry, brand, trending topic, competitors
  • Competitive intelligence from the consumer point of view
  • Consumer behavior analysis, such as time or location of consumption

Download your free simulated dashboard.



Let consumers speak!