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[WEBINAR REPLAY] Humanizing your brand: building customer trust through conversation

on 16/03/2021

Humanizing your brand: building customer trust through conversation with Jillian Ney, Peter Simpson and Sophie Clark

Building trust is more important than ever for brands who want to create a loyal customer base. To gain trust, you need to really understand your audience. That’s where analysing the conversations consumers are having is essential - not just on social media, but on all channels where you can connect.

During this on-demand webinar you'll hear about some of the questions to consider and what sources of data to look at when analysing consumer conversations. You'll also hear some real-life examples of brands that are using customer conversations to shape their growth strategies. Join the discussion between:

  • Peter Simpson, Global Head of Partnerships, Trustpilot
  • Dr Jillian Ney, Digital Behavioural Scientist & Founder, The Social Intelligence Lab
  • moderated by Sophie Clark, Marketing - UK & Nordics, Talkwalker

Check out the webinar now!

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