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Social Media Trends 2023: Hot takes from the UK

on 25/11/2022

From the rise of predictive analytics to the end of the cookie, plus much more besides, 2022 saw a shift in the way consumers engage with social media. Already, 2023 is showing all the signs of continued change in the social media world, for B2B and B2C marketers alike to get ahead of and unlock.

That’s why we’re hosting 'Social Media Trends 2023: Hot takes from the UK', for you to hear from UK industry experts on some of the biggest trends from our Social Media Trends report. You’ll gain unique insights, industry examples and exclusive top tips to help you drive your social strategy for 2023.

You will walk away with:

  • Insights from marketing and social media experts
  • Detailed analysis of why social media matters and the top trends that will rule 2023
  • An understanding of how the trends will affect the Age of the Disruptive Consumer
  • Takeaways you can immediately incorporate to start driving better results for the coming year


- Rosie Khdir - Director, Strategic Services, Khoros
- Matt Navarra - Social Media Consultant
- Jack Richards - Marketing Lead, Northern Europe, Talkwalker

Tune in now!